MML Reference - Note and Pause

Set the note and pause



Input Range Default
accidental #, +, - ,= Define the {} command #,+ : Sharp
- : Flat
= : Natural
length 0 to 65535 Define the l command Set the length of the note/pause.
length = INT(timebase * 4 / length) [step]
If you set 0, you can set chord next note.(MIDI only)
%0 to %65535 Set the length of the note/pause by the step.
If you set 0, you can set chord next note.(MIDI only)
period . - Add half of length to length.
You can plural period.
tie/slur & - Set the tie/slur


This command can set the note and pause.
Command Note and Puase
c C Doh
d D Re
e E Mi
f F Fa
g G Sol
a A La
b B, H Si
r Puase