MML Reference - Calculate the work memory of WTD

Calculate the work memory of WTD.
This command can use to set/reset flag of the game, etc..



Input Range Default
address 0 to 255 - Work address lower 8bit.
var 0 to 255 - Operand for calculate.


This command can calculate the work momory.
As to the work address upper 8bit, " command can set it. (Default it 0x00)
Command C language Assembly language (i8086 instruction)
0 *address = var MOV [address],var
1 *address += var ADD [address],var
2 *address -= var SUB [address],var
3 *address &= var AND [address],var
4 *address |= var OR [address],var
5 *address ^= var XOR [address],var
6 *address |= (0x01 << var)SET var,[address] (Z-80 instruction)
7 *address &= ~(0x01 << var)RES var,[address] (Z-80 instruction)
8 *address - var CMP [address],var
9 *address & var TEST [address],var
WTD have the Carry flag and the Zero flag.
Result of the calculation, WTD will set/reset those flags.