
Device Driver (Library)

About the WTD, there are the library version and the IL (In direct library of WonderWitch) version.
User application can call the functions for controlling WTD.
WTD made by microsoft macro assember version 6.11.

User application do not use the following device because WTD use it.

As to the IL (In direct library of WonderWitch) version, WTD use heap area of 4 Kbytes. (WTD_h.fx is 2KByte.)
As fot the library version, it can use other system, too.
WTD allot the memory of 4 Kbyte (WTDH*.lib is 2 Kbyte) in the DGROUP segment area.

Music/Effect data

WTD can play music and effect.
WTD have function to play/stop music and effect data.

PCM Voice data (effect)

WTD can play wave data.
WTD have function to play/stop PCM Voice (wave) data.